Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves: For they watch for your soul, as they that most give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. (Hebrew13:17)
We are to have an attitude of submission or obedience toward those who are in spiritual authority over us. We can do that only when we know our leaders. Once we are convinced that our leaders are men and women of God, then we can submit ourselves to them.
We have seen that those who “rule” over us exercise Shepherd- like authority. For there to be a shepherd, they must be sheep. What is the function of the sheep regarding their shepherd? They are to follow him. Besides fellowship, there is also “follow-ship. “If you find that you cannot give” follow-ship “to your shepherd because he himself is not following the Chief Shepherd, then you need to change flocks. It is never necessary to rebel against the ministry gifts. “Refrain from these men and let them alone: for if this counselor this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. (Acts 5:38,39). We never have to come against a leader who says he is of God. We can just leave him alone. If his ministry is of man, it will come to nothing. However, if the ministry is of God, both he and it will win out against every storm, every form of opposition, and persecution. If we oppose it, we can end up fighting against God.
We must realize that nothing positive ever comes from rebellion and retaliation against a church and its spiritual leader. Learning to be in obedience to the Lord and to His anointed and ordained leaders will bring the harmony Jesus prayed that His church would have. It is an awesome responsibility to be called to deal with so many different personalities such a variety of attitudes and outlooks. If we make it hard on our spiritual leaders, it will be unprofitable for us. We must allow the man or woman of God to lead us with joy. God is a God of authority and leadership. He is a God of faithfulness. God honors leadership. He expects His servants to do exactly what is requested and required of them.
God’s Attitude
Now these things were our example, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted… Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition. 1 Cor. 10:6,10,11. God expects us to learn from the examples of others who lived before us. Contrary to what you may have heard, experience is not the best teacher. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher. We can learn by reading the Bible and allowing the Holy spirit of God to teach us by showing us what happened to different people in times past. In verse 10 of this passage, we see that these people murmured against their leaders and were destroyed because of it. They murmured against their God-ordained leadership so much and so long that God’s anger was kindled against them.
He allowed destruction to come to some of them. God doesn’t like for His people to come against His chosen, His anointed. You and I might not think that a man anointed, but if he says he is called, then we had better not bother him.
And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord and the Lord heard it, and his anger was kindled, and the fire of the Lord burned among and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp. Numbers 1:1. God’s anger is always kindled when we talk about or come against His leadership. To oppose God’s anointed vessels is to oppose God Himself. To defy God’s chosen, ordained leaders is to defy God. It is to say. God, I don’t agree with who you called into the ministry. I’m wiser than you and I think you made a bad choice. This person doesn’t have the right to lead us. When we oppose God’s anointed, that; s exactly what we are saying.
God doesn’t want us to murmur against the leaders in the Body of Christ. God doesn’t want us to murmur against secular leaders. God just doesn’t want us murmuring period! God wants us to have the proper attitude toward all those positions of authority, regardless of their race, religion, color, creed, or sex. I exhort. Therefore, that first of all, supplication, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men, for kings, and for al that that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty 1Tim.2:1
Touch Not Mine Anointed
Wherefore he saith when he ascended upon high, he led captivity captive, and gifts unto men. And he gave some apostles, some, prophets, and some, evangelists, and some pastors and teachers Ephesians 4:8-11. Jesus gave His church gifts for our benefit and instruction. He established offices in the church, and He is still calling men and women to fill those offices today.
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body Ephesians 4:12.
These ministry gifts were set in the church for the perfecting of the saints to do the work of the ministry. These offices have been filled with godly men and women for the purpose of maturing, or developing the saints so that they will be able to do the work of the ministry. In addition, they have a part themselves in the edifying or building up of the church.
These persons that Jesus has called to fill these offices are gifts to the church. This is the first thing that we must recognize about these people, that they are gifts to us from the Lord and should be treated as such. The people whom the Lord has set in the Body as ministry gifts must receive as from Him. The apostle, the prophet, the evangelist, the pastor, and teacher are from God. Each, whether male or female, is a gift from God.
Many Christians have talked improperly about the men and women of God. That must stop! Although we may not agree entirely with everything that is being said or done by ministers of the Gospel, we must not put ourselves in the position of judging them. Our attitude must be, I may not always understand or agree with these people, but they are my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I will not criticize them, we must have the proper attitude toward leadership in the Body of Christ.
Its time for us Christians to link arms and to walk together in love and harmony. We need to join hands and pull together. Whether we are black or white, red, or yellow, male, or female, denominational or independent, let’s show the world that we are one in Christ. In Christ, there is no division by color, gender, race, or label.
Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm 1Chron.16:22, Ps 105:15
The spiritual leader needs financial support, because like everyone else in the church he needs to live well. He needs prayer support, because he too must deal with the problems and affairs of everyone life in addition to his ministry. He needs physical support to free him for those things which are most essential and of primary importance to welfare of all concerned.
That support must come from those who have committed themselves to share as partners. With their spiritual leader in the ministry to which the Lord has called him.
Maintain a proper attitude toward leadership, supporting those in spiritual authority. Get involves in the Lord’s work, never despising the nature of it. By doing so, you’re supplying your part, your important part, and helping to fulfill the Great Commission.
The Spirit of Your Pastor
The importance of receiving the Spirit of Pastor. Don’t bring the spirit of your former pastor into this vision. If you don’t have the spirit of the man, you can’t work effectively in the vision of the land. This is called the Law of Harmony.
To receive the spirit of the of pastor, you must receive the pastoral office as the head of this local Body- He is the shepherd over this flock. You must know that the father has led you to this body (to this flock). If you know this, then you know that the pastoral office is to feed you and educate you with the things of the father, so you can grow up in Christ in all things- be a healthy growing Christian.
You must know his office position and yours, and submit to his rule ( authority) Hebrew 13 :17 says Obey them ( pastor) that have rule (authority) over you and submit yourselves; for they ( the pastor ) watch for your souls as they (the pastor) must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief – for that is unprofitable for you.
You must not bring the spirit of your former pastor into this vision. You cannot have two heads of authority. Your prayer to whom you serve in the spiritual head. If you do not have the spirit of the man. You cannot work effectively in the vision of the land. This is called the Law of Harmony. The Law of Harmony is that you must receive the vision of the Lord and become submitted to and committed to this mandate.
Examples of receiving the spirit of your pastor can be found in 2 King 2 and 1 King 3:11
1. Elisha following Elijah.
2. There was submission.
3. There is acceptance of authority.
4. The work was for the benefit of the whole.
5. Elisha trusted the leading of Elijah.
6. Elisha by obeying and following, receiving double honor, a double anointing.
7. God’s honor- God’s authority comes to you based upon the degree of your submission on the leadership authority.
8. Elish supported Elijah.
9. Elisha was a servant to Elijah.1 Kings 19:19-20, 2 Kings 3:11
These are three (3) things you must know to receive the spirt of the pastor.
1. You cannot be offended.
2. You cannot be insecure.
3. Your dream/ vision must die so that the leader’s dream lives and in doing so your dream will be resurrected.
Eight Bible Ways to Relate to Your Pastor
In the book of Ephesians 4:8-12, it states that Jesus led captivity captive and give gifts unto men. The gifts are spiritual gifts to the body (prophet, apostle, evangelist, pastor, and teacher) Below are listed the eight (8) ways that the Bible states we should relate to these gifts. We will be focusing particularly on the ministry gifts of Pastor.
Receive him as a gift from God.
1. Receive means to accept as in ownership.
2. We know that every good and perfect gift comes from, therefore, if he gave the gift of Pastor, it must be perfect.
3. Until you receive the gift, you don’t really benefit from it.
Know your pastor. 1 Thessalonians 5:12
1. Know here means having a level of knowledge of him that causes one to be familiar with, sure of, and understand him. It’s more than surface knowledge.
2. Know him also, after the spirit. The Bible tells us know no man after the flesh. The man is imperfect, but the gift is perfect. Therefore, if you know your Pastor and walk in the spirit yourself, his imperfections in the flesh will not hinder you from receiving from him.
Esteem him very highly. 1 Thessalonians 5:13
1. Esteen means to respect, appreciate, or hold high regard for.
2. We are to do so, if for no other reason, than for the work’s sake
Pray for him 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
1. Intercede daily for those in authority and this this includes the Pastor.
2. Prayer allows the Word to have free course.
3. Prayer makes you involved in the message that comes for and gives you a sense of your part in the ministry and your responsibility.
4. When we are prayer for the Pastor, we are less likely to be critical.
Two Important Principles to Remember
Loyalty – to change my plans to serve the one whom I’m under.
Commitment _ unknown until it is tested .2 Kings 2:1-2
If you are offended, you cannot receive the spirit of the leader. Submission is different from obedience. Submission is an attitude of the heart.
Example: Tell a child to sit down and he sits down, but on the inside, he’s standing up.
Collective Rebellion
Democracy is not God’s order. The rebellion began when certain men of Israel started stirring up the leadership against Moses and Aaron. (Ephesians 3)
Keep out of rebellion (Philippians 4:6-7)
They tried to correct authority. Authority must be dealt with from the top down, not from the bottom up (Numbers16:3)
Death is the cure for rebellion. Death is alienation of life. When life is absent that means that death has now set in Numbers 16:49.
As Leaders in the house of God we must first cultivate our relationship with God. How do you cultivate by spending time with God in prayer. (mark 1:35)
Jesus spent time to connect. (mark 6:35)
Jesus called the disciples to draw from the pressing of the crowd. They will allow God to teach you how to lead the people you are overseeing.
Having The Right Attitude as a Leader
Having a servant heart (1 Peter 4:10) Each one should use whatever gift, or she has received to serve others, faithfully Administering God; s grace in its various forms. (Matt.20:26-27) whoever wants to be a leader among you must first be your servant and whosoever wants to be first among you must become your slave.
Leaders are Shepherd of God’s People
As a leader your attitude should be to love and care for the people under your specific ministry.
Example: Children’s Ministry leader’s attitude should be to care about the little flock God has entrusted you with. Teach them willingly, not grudgingly. Teach with all your heart because you are eager to serve God (1 Peter 5;2).
Leaders That Don’t Murmur
As leaders, we must be careful about murmuring about the Pastor, your ministry, and other leaders in the ministry. God does not like for His people to come against his chosen, His anointed. We might not like what He is preaching, teaching or we might think that we know more than the chosen leader whatever reason you use, if is in your best interest not to murmur or think sight of him (Numbers 1:1)
Leader’s attitude
Leader’s Attitude: Being positive, encouraging, loving, humble, teachable, cooperative, selfless, loyal, trustworthy, persevering (Galatians 5:22-23)
Leaders attitude toward God
Leaders attitude toward God: Reverence, submission, love, trust, humbleness, obedience, worshipful, and prayerful. (Psa.111:10, Mark 12:30, John 14:15, James 4:7, 1 Samuel 15:23)
Leaders attitude To God’s Children
Leaders attitude to God’s children: Our attitude should be love, forgiveness, consideration, caring, encouragement, kindness, humility, unselfishness, respecting, and impartial (John 13:34-35, 15:12, Romans 12:10,13:10, James 2:9 Ephesians 4:2, col.3:16, 1 Thess.5:11, Hebrews 3:13, 1 Cor 13:4-8.)
TO Authority
To authority: Respectful, cooperative, humble, helpful, encouraging, loyal, not resentful, defiant, or disrespectful. (Heb. 13:17,1 Peter 2:13-15)
To Our Church
To Our Church: Respectful, Faithful, cooperative, helpful, willing, dependable, Participating, encouraging. (1 Cor.10:32,1Cor14:12 Heb 2:2)
How To Develop a Good Attitude
1. Identify and repent for bad attitude.
2. Submit your attitude to God.
3. Equip and feed your attitude with God’s word.
(Philippians 4:8) – Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think on these things.
My Brethren,
To be a servant is not an easy thing, but to be Godly Leaders, we must be servants. We need to understand that in God’s house. There is only one master.
Jesus: We cannot have “Big Men and Women” in the Lord’s church. We cannot allow men like Diotrephes. (3 John 9) to spoil the church and bring reproach on the family of God, just because they desire to control the congregation, we cannot allow one or two or three to run the church and become stumbling blocks to the work. The only way we can prevent these problems is to develop good Christian leadership within the congregation. Good Christian are humble, sincere, honest servants.
What an amazing lesson. I just learned that we just learned that we do not condemn, judge or disrespect leaders by announcing their faults, we should simply leave them alone and move forward to a ministry that best fits the word of the gospel. I also learned that I have to serve to one day lead. It is through serving that we learn the ways of the leader and can lead with integrity and respect. This needs to be published in every church so that the body can learn how to properly follow the head. Thank you for this leraning module Ambassador.